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Azimi Sızma Zeytinyağı

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Azimi Premium Sızma Zeytinyağımızla doğanın saf özünü yaşayın. Mükemmellik için soğuk preslenmiş 100% doğal zeytinlerden yapılmış, mutfak ihtiyaçlarınıza göre çeşitli boyutlarda mevcuttur. Akdeniz'in zengin, otantik tadıyla yemeklerinizi yükseltin.

Azimi Sızma Zeytinyağı

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Azimi Extra Virgin Olive Oil is:

  • Harvested at peak ripeness to ensure the highest quality and maximum flavor.
  • Cold-pressed within hours of harvest to preserve the delicate aromas and natural antioxidants.
  • Unfiltered and unrefined, retaining its full nutritional value and authentic taste.
  • Perfect for drizzling over salads, vegetables, pastas, and even desserts.
  • A versatile ingredient that adds depth and sophistication to any dish.

Indulge in the health benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

  • Rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and polyphenols.
  • Reduces inflammation and protects against chronic diseases.
  • Promotes healthy digestion and supports gut health.
  • A natural source of antioxidants and vitamins.

Rayhan Olive Shampoo

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  • Moisturize and Repair: Rayhan Olive Shampoo provides deep moisturization and repair for all hair types.
  • With Keratin: Infused with Keratin, it restores and nurtures your hair, enhancing its overall health.
  • Volume: 400ml